Sky Gunner follows the story of three ace pilots--Ciel, Copain, and Femme--who are hired to protect the Eternal Engine, which is capable of perpetual motion. Little do they know that the criminal genius Ventre plans to use the town's celebration aboard the luxury airship Merveilleux as an opportunity to steal the Eternal Engine for his own evil ends. Now, as one of the three Sky Gunners, you must use specialized flying machines, advanced maneuvers, and special weapons to defeat the evil forces of Ventre.
- To unlock Variable / Uniform Processing Mode input the following command on the title screen:
Up, Triangle, Left, Circle, Down, X, Right, Square
Unlockable How to Unlock Camera Setting Beat the game with an SS rank with Ciel, Femme, or Copain. Scene Select Beat the game with all four pilots. Time Attack Beat the game with Ciel and get first place in money amount. Unlock "Album" Beat the game with any character Unlock Copain Beat the game with Femme. Unlock Hardi (American Version) Beat the game with Femme in 1st place for Prize Money after unlocking Time Attack and Survival modes. Unlock Rival Beat the game with Ciel without losing to Rival in the two encounters. Unlock Survival Beat the game with Copain while getting first place in money amount.