
Shadow Hearts: From the New World 影之心:来自新世界 US 03/07/06

Shadow Hearts: From the New World Box Front
Shadow Hearts: From the New World Box Back


The story begins as Johnny Garland, a young, 16-year old detective who lost his father, sister and his memory in an accident, accepts an investigation to track down a criminal suspect who escaped from custody. As he closes in on the suspect, Johnny witnesses a supernatural occurrence - a huge monster appears from a green light known as the "window" and swallows up the criminal. Apparently, a series of horrific incidents similar to this have been plaguing the cities across the nation. Johnny's female counterpart is 21-year-old bounty hunter Shania, a Native American who is searching for these mysterious windows and determined to fight them using her spiritual powers. Together, they travel around the states and are joined by other characters.


  • Alternate Endings

    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    The Bad EndingDon't master all of the fetish statues
    The Good EndingMaster all of the 16 fetish statues
  • New Game+

    Complete the game and save. Load this clear game data and you will start a new game with many of your previous things like cards, fusions, enemies in library, etc...
  • Theater Mode

    Complete the game once to unlock theater, which gives you the chance to see all the cutscenes.
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    Theater ModeComplete the Game Once.


  • Unlock Purgatory

    To unlock the secret dungeon Purgatory have every single enemy besides the ones in Purgatory Snapped. Then head to Chicago and speak to the Snap Master there. He will give you a Item. Go to where you get Johnny's Awaker form(Saying this to avoid spoilers). Enter the room with the fireplace and inside here examine the emblem above the fireplace to be warped to Purgatory.

